
Genealogy means tracing lineage and heritage through oral histories, material bioculture, and traditions passed down through generations. It emphasizes connections to ancestors, land, water, and community. Genealogy is a way to honor and remember our ancestors, preserve cultural identity, and strengthen ties within the community.

Learn more about American Abenaki Genealogy.


Community means a deep sense of belonging and interconnectedness among people, the land, the water, and all living things. It emphasizes collective responsibility, mutual support, and respect for traditions and cultural practices. Community is seen as an extended family where relationships and shared values play a crucial role in maintaining harmony and balance. It includes a strong connection to ancestral lands, cultural heritage, and the well-being of future generations.

Learn more about American Abenaki Community.


Continuity means preserving and passing down cultural traditions, values, and practices through generations. It involves maintaining a strong connection to ancestral lands, community, and ways of life, despite historical and ongoing challenges. Continuity is about resilience and the ongoing effort to keep cultural identities alive, ensuring that future generations can carry forward their heritage and maintain the community's essence and wisdom.

Learn more about American Abenaki Continuity.

Contemporary Bioculture

This refers to the ongoing relationship between their traditional cultural practices and the natural environment in modern times. It includes the integration of ancestral knowledge with current ecological practices, maintaining sustainable ways of living that respect the land and biodiversity. This concept highlights the importance of preserving traditional ecological knowledge, such as medicinal plant use and sustainable hunting and fishing practices, while adapting to contemporary challenges. It underscores a holistic approach to health, well-being, and cultural identity, where modern practices are blended with traditional wisdom to support the community's resilience and continuity.

Learn more about American Abenaki contemporary bioculture.


This involves recognizing and addressing the historical and ongoing impacts of colonization, such as displacement, cultural loss, and systemic discrimination. Trauma includes the collective suffering experienced by the community due to these events. Wellness, on the other hand, is about healing and restoring balance through traditional practices, community support, and reconnecting with cultural identity. It emphasizes holistic health, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and often involves practices like storytelling, ceremonies, and connection to nature. The goal is to achieve resilience and strength by honoring their heritage and fostering a supportive, healthy community.

Learn more about American Abenaki Trauma & Wellness.


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