Events February 2025
Introduction to Wabanaki Beadwork
10:30am - 3:30pm February 2, 2025, Vermont Historical Society, 60 Washington Street, Barre, VT 05641
Join Frederick Wiseman as he explores the color palette, bead size selection, stitching, design motifs, and social dynamics of the 19th century Wabanaki tribal and tourist beadwork.
Events December 2024
Introduction to Material Culture Studies I
10:30am - 12:30pm, December 14, Vermont History Center, 60 Washington Street, Barre, VT 05641
Join Frederick Wiseman as he offers introductory tours of the Abenaki collections in the Vermont Historical Society’s Research and Exhibition Gallery.
Introduction to Material Culture Studies II
1:30pm - 3:30pm, December 14, Vermont History Center, 60 Washington Street, Barre, VT 05641
Join Frederick Wiseman as he offers an introduction to method theory and techniques with the use of a microscope on some of beadwork, wood, and lithograph from the Abenaki collection.
Events November 2024
The Abenaki Cultural Consortium Collection: a Leisurely Introduction.
10:30 AM-3:30 PM, November 9 Vermont History Center, 60 Washington Street, Barre, VT 05641
Join Dr. Frederick Wiseman as he offers introductory tours of Abenaki Cultural Consortium research collection of beadwork, tools, birch-bark, and bentwood containers, baskets, canoe paddles and even a birch bark canoe. These materials have just been installed in the New Vermont Historical Society Research and Exhibition Gallery. People will also have an opportunity to view some of interesting recent acquisitions including an Early Phase One (ca. 1800-1810) pigmented, wide-splint Vermont storage basket, and an 18th century chip carved & corner cut medicine staff. In addition, the Historical Society Community Room will have some scientific instruments available to demonstrate the potential of the collection for understanding the 19th and 10th century American Abenaki experience. We intend to begin using this equipment at the History Center for analysis of original 1840’s-1860’s Wabanaki beadwork and archival lithographs of American Abenaki clothing.
(Illustration to the right is of a portion of the American Abenaki utility and work basket collection, 1830-1930)